2010 Course Dinner was organised on 23 Apr 2010 in the DSOI, New Delhi. A large number of batch mates attended the Dinner along with their lady wives. A good number of officers and their wives from outstations joined-in. I am NOT including their names specifically for fear of getting their ire if I inadvertently miss some. Delay in uploading this Post is precisely because of this -- I was all the time awaiting latest List compiled during the Dinner to place on the Blog; it was not to be despite requests. So, I decided to upload the photographs I received.
I have however taken care that 'faces' outside Delhi find place in this Posting.
It was a good Get-Together with usual warmth, and lot to speak and share. Lots of Ideas to advance the 'togetherness' as usual over a few drinks, but nothing would move forward except yet another Course Dinner in 2010.
All the Best till we meet next.
I have however taken care that 'faces' outside Delhi find place in this Posting.
It was a good Get-Together with usual warmth, and lot to speak and share. Lots of Ideas to advance the 'togetherness' as usual over a few drinks, but nothing would move forward except yet another Course Dinner in 2010.
All the Best till we meet next.